Use Stock Quotes to monitor stocks, currencies and other financial instruments.
- Price, ask, bid, high, low, P/E, EPS, volume...
- Graphs
- Currency per stock
- Profit calculated automatically per asset
- Optional automatic updates
- Price notifications/alerts
- Portfolio summary (overall profit)
- Automatic conversion of currencies
Help me improve the application! Send feature requests, bug report and idea by e-mail.
I'm looking for translators, please contact me if you want to help.
5 stocks limit in this version - check out Stock Quotes Pro!
- 价格,问,出价高,低P / E,每股收益,体积...
- 图
- 每只股票货币
- 每个资产自动计算利润
- 可选的自动更新
- 价格的通知/警报
- 投资组合汇总(总利润)
- 自动转换货币
5个股跌停在这个版本 - 检查出临股票行情!